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Tanunda Roundabout Project Completion

IAS is pleased to announce completion of yet another project with the SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

After years of planning, Kroemer's Crossing in Tanunda has finally been upgraded with a roundabout. In addition to improving accessibility the aim of the project was to make the crossing safe for all road users and reduce factors contributing to the regional road toll.

Despite comprising only 16.5 per cent of the nation’s population, regional road deaths account for a staggering two in every three of the national toll.

A large number of these deaths is due to high-speed collisions with Stobie poles. The best choice in this case is to use the Energy Absorbing Crash Cushion (EACC). Crash tested for vehicles travelling up to 80km/h and designed to save vehicle occupants lives as well. It is the go-to choice for fixed objects such as as trees, light poles, concrete walls, bridge rails and stobie poles.

The Energy Absorbing Buffer is patented and available exclusively from us or our exclusive worldwide distributors, Roadside Services and Solutions. The Energy Absorbing Buffer is approved by VicRoads and other Australian road authorities.



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